Category Retrieval by ID, ATC Code, or MeSH ID

Endpoint Overview

This API endpoint allows for the retrieval of medication category information based on a unique identifier, which can be a category ID, an ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) code, or a MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) ID.

Endpoint Details

AuthorizationBearer Token (if required)

URL Parameter

codeIdA unique identifier that can be a category ID, ATC code, or MeSH ID.clqjkjarq000049khgvkwz6gf, N02BA, MESH12345

Request Headers

Content-Typeapplication/jsonIndicates the media type of the resource
AuthorizationBearer <API_KEY>API key for access (if authentication is required)

Example Requests

  1. Fetch by Category ID:

  2. Fetch by ATC Code:

  3. Fetch by MeSH ID:

Expected Responses

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 OK
    • Content: JSON object with category details.
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 404 Not Found
    • Content: {"message": "No category found with the provided code"}

Response Structure

  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "meshId": "string",
  "atcCode": "string",
  "drugs": [

Implementation Notes

  • Ensure that the API correctly differentiates between Category ID, ATC code, or MeSH ID.
  • Implement robust error handling for non-existent identifiers.
  • Include authentication mechanisms where necessary.
  • The endpoint should be designed to handle high-traffic scenarios with efficient database queries.


  • Documentation Version: 1.1
  • Last Updated: [Insert Date]