Fetch Drugs in a Given Category

Endpoint Overview

This endpoint retrieves a list of drugs associated with a specific category ID in the database. It is designed to help users access detailed information about drugs under a particular medication category.

HTTP Request

GET https://www.britelink.ios/api/v1/categories/{categoryId}/drugs

URL Parameters

categoryIdYesThe unique identifier of the category.


AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_KEY (if authentication is required)


Success Response

Code: 200 OK

Content example for a successful response:

    "id": "drugId123",
    "tradeName": "DrugName",
    "genericName": "GenericDrugName",
    "categoryId": "categoryId123"
    // Additional drug details...
  // More drugs...

Error Responses

Code: 400 Bad Request

Content: {"error": "Category ID is required in the request URL"}

Code: 404 Not Found

Content: {"error": "No drugs found in the specified category"}

Code: 500 Internal Server Error

Content: {"error": "An error occurred while fetching drugs"}

Example Request

Fetching drugs in the 'Pain Relievers' category:

GET /api/v1/categories/clqjkjarq000049khgvkwz6gf/drugs
Host: www.britelink.io
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY


  • Ensure your API key (if required) is included in the header for authentication.
  • The endpoint will return an array of drug objects, each containing detailed information about the drug.
  • The structure of the drug object in the response will depend on the database schema and the selected fields in the query.