This endpoint retrieves a comprehensive list of allergy records from the database, formatted in accordance with the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard for the AllergyIntolerance resource. It primarily serves healthcare applications by providing detailed allergy information, including associated drug details.
GET /api/v1/allergies
Header Description
Authorization Bearer BRITE_API_KEY
Content-Type application/json
Parameter Required Type Description
None - - No query parameters required
The response is a JSON array of objects, each structured as an AllergyIntolerance resource.
Field Type Description
resourceType String Always "AllergyIntolerance".
id String Unique identifier for the allergy record.
clinicalStatus String Clinical status of the allergy (e.g., "active").
verificationStatus String Verification status (e.g., "unconfirmed").
type String Type of record, typically "allergy".
category Array Categories of the allergy (e.g., ["medication"]).
criticality String Criticality level (e.g., "low").
code Object Contains textual description of the allergy.
patient Object Patient details (if available).
onsetDateTime String Date-time when allergy first observed.
recordedDate String Date when allergy was recorded.
reaction Array List of reactions related to the allergy.
drug Object Drug details associated with the allergy (if any).
Status Code Description
404 No allergy records found.
500 Internal server error or issue fetching data.
curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer BRITE_API_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
"resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
"id": "allergy123",
"clinicalStatus": "active",
... // Additional details
// ... more allergy records
Patient Health Records Management: Integrates with health record systems to manage patient allergy information.
Clinical Decision Support: Provides healthcare providers with crucial allergy data for informed decision-making.
Patient Safety: Identifies potential allergens, particularly critical in medication prescriptions.